What A Manager Should Say

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SKU: 3926P Categories: , Topic:
This meeting opener will show you how to switch from the words you always use to the words you should use – giving you choices about how you engage and influence others at work.
Runtime: 5 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
Key Learning Points:


Learners need to recognize that everything happens through conversation.  Language matters.  It can divide us or unite us.  The words you choose and how you use them is key.  As a manager, you need to shift from the words you use, to the words that you should choose. You have choices about how you engage and influence others at work – creating positive ripple effects wherever you go.  Learn to play an important role in creating the shift from I to We.  By creating a “WE” culture, everyone has a voice in working toward the same common goals – achieving unparalleled results.  A great meeting or session starter.