Taking Charge of Change – Revised Edition

Most failed attempts at change in the workplace don't fail because they were a bad idea – but because employees weren’t prepared with the tools they needed to handle the change. Teach individual employees the skills necessary to understand and support change initiatives.
Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD or USB (contains main show, meeting opener Jump! and Booster Video clips)
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Teaches effective change management
  • Reduces the stress of change
  • Helps people accept change


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Change is an experience, and we all need strategies for handling it. Did you know that “…over half of the major change programs (undertaken) result in failure?” The inability of employees to assimilate change probably kills more corporate initiatives than anything else.

The last transformation effort you tried may not have failed because it was a bad idea, but because employees weren’t prepared with the tools they needed to handle the change. According to William Bridges, a noted expert on managing transition whose model is referenced in the Taking Charge of Change program, “a change can work successfully only if the people affected by it can get through the transition it causes.”

Taking Charge of Change – Revised Edition provides concrete strategies for helping us go beyond just managing change, so that we can smoothly transition from the known to the unknown and support others as they work through their own experience of it. In addition to working on individual attitudes and responses to change, this program also helps you deal with change on an organizational level – supporting other individuals and groups through the change as well.

Teach individual employees the skills necessary to understand and support change initiatives. By learning to recognize and address the internal transitions associated with any change, individuals are better able to guide themselves productively through organizational change.

This updated version of our best seller features vignettes in a variety of industries: manufacturing, white-collar business, healthcare, government and education, plus many more “how-to” applications than the original.

Stunning visual images feature a rookie skydiver making his first solo jump… a powerful metaphor for the leap we take into the unknown each time we experience a change in our own work lives.

Develop useful strategies for moving through workplace change:

  • Differentiate between “change” and “transition”.
  • Discover the three stages of change transition.
  • Identify which of the three stages of change is more difficult for you and why.
  • Learn how causes or conditions around a change can influence one’s needs through the transition that follows it.
  • Understand how and why each person in a workgroup may experience transition stages differently.
  • Recognize the role of communication (within teams, between teams, and between management levels) in the transition process.

The workplace vignettes provide viewers with a realistic look at the types of changes we experience at work, and the steps you can take to help manage our response to those changes.