Stress, Weight Control & Emotional Eating

If you want to give people practical advice on controlling weight without focusing specifically on dieting, knowing that stress can make you fat, them this is the program to choose. (Part 4 in a 5-Part Series)
Runtime: 16 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader's Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Participant Materials
  • Additional Bonus Material
Key Learning Points:
  • Diets don’t work
  • Emotional eating is a diet killer
  • We self-medicate with food
  • Get to know the 7 ways to avoid emotional eating


Is stress fattening?

Over-eating can cause you to feel stressed and stress can cause you to over-eat. It’s a vicious cycle that, if left unchecked, can eventually lead to all kinds of health problems including, insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

But by recognizing emotional eating for what it is (a misguided attempt to nurture ourselves and manage stress) and by learning how to truly nurture ourselves – we can begin to modify our habitual pattern of heading to the kitchen after any emotional upset.

With guidance from Dr. David Katz, a medical consultant for ABC News, your audience will follow four people as they learn the seven strategies for overcoming emotional eating.

Employees who aren’t overweight are happier, more productive and have lower absentee rates. Employees and employers both benefit when employee health issues are addressed.

David L. Katz MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP  is Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center, director of the Integrative Medicine Center at Griffin Hospital, medical consultant for ABC News, and a health/nutrition columnist for The New York Times.

*Even though this video is one of a five-part series, you needn’t purchase all five videos. Each video in the series can be viewed (and purchased) separately and independently from the others. Of course, they work well as a series and if you do decide to purchase all five, you’ll save even more.