So You Want to Be a Success at Selling

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This four-part series covers all facets of making a successful sale, using proven techniques and solid sales fundamentals. It's perfect for new sales recruits or as a refresher and energizer for more experienced members of the sales team.
Runtime: 105 minutes
  • DVD or USB with four programs
  • Briefcase Booklet
  • Discussion Guide
Key Learning Points:

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This classic four-part series is ideal for new sales recruits or as a refresher for experienced members of the sales team.

Part 1: The Preparation, shows why it’s imperative for salespeople to get to know their customers and to understand how their products or services can benefit their client.

Part 2: The Presentation covers how to explain the benefits, meet objections, and spot the buying signals. Sales staff learn how to stay cool and dispassionate even when a customer criticizes them or their products.

Part 3: Difficult Customers, deals with the duckers, ditherers and dictators that often stand in the way of progress. How to use people’s anxieties, laziness or vanity are some of the suggested techniques to help get things moving.

Part 4: Closing the Sale – finally, it’s time to close the deal. This is an area where even skilled salespeople fear rejection – and so delay closing. They will find out how to conclude a deal efficiently and effectively.

Each title can be purchased individually for $950.00.