Short Stories: Volume 2 With Dewitt Jones

Video Previews
This series features 10 inspirational short stories from Dewitt Jones' best-selling films. Each clip features powerful storytelling, stunning photography and valuable lessons.
Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • 20-Minute DVD or USB
  • Facilitator's Guide
  • Personal Development Journal
Key Learning Points:


Featuring 10 inspirational short stories from Dewitt Jones best-selling films. Each short story offers you an easy way to share Dewitt’s inspiring messages with any group.

Each clip features powerful storytelling, stunning photography and valuable lessons. These short films will improve engagement and offer you a great way to launch any meeting, set the tone for the day, or reinforce ideas.

This package can be purchased in many ways:

  • DVD – $695.00
  • Digital Download – $695.00
  • USB Flash Drive – $745.00
  • Stream – minimum 50 views – $395.00

Stories Included:

Act As If (Trust): Are you able to make the most of a bad day? 3:30

Be Like a Sunset (Attitude): Dewitt Jones shares a beautiful story about the importance of always doing your best. 2:05

Be Open to Possibilities (Vision): Dewitt Jones explores the importance of a vision that allows us to be open to new ideas. 1:50

 Break the Pattern (Change): “The lens we chose when we view a problem is critical.  Our perspective is what holds the key to whether the solution is ordinary or extraordinary.” 2:00

Dare to Dance (Self-Awareness): Always keeping your attention not on what’s wrong, but on what’s right. And then, simply, daring to dance.“ 2:10

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes (Overcoming Fear): “And so it was up to me.  How many times is it up to you?” 2:00

Endless Possibilities (Appreciation): “If it’s a mistake, how do I learn from it?  How do I turn a win/lose situation into a win/learn situation?” 1:30

Our Journey Called Life (Purpose): “If we can keep the vision clear, if we can hold the focus, if we can live in principle every moment of the journey, then we can make those visions a reality and live into our dreams. 1:25

The Songbird (Effort): “We seem to think that work that’s worth falling in love with should be the kind that makes a big difference. It’s great if it does; but that desire can grow so large that it becomes a barrier.” 1:30

What is Creativity? (Creativity): “Creativity is not just about vision and passion.  It’s about technique and perseverance as well. 2:00

Length: Each is between 1 & 3 minutes.

Includes: Each clip includes a Personal Journal for self exploration.

Materials include a comprehensive Facilitation Guide, and Personal Development Journals that participants can use to explore the concepts more deeply.