Leadership Feedback:

What Employees Want To Tell You...But Don't
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This video training program will provide a candid look at what employees really think about their leaders and how that affects their work.
Runtime: 17 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader's Guide,
  • Reproducible Participant Worksheets,
  • and PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Honest feedback needs to be welcomed rather than condemned
  • Always use the ‘compliment sandwich’ when addressing mistakes
  • A simple ‘Thank you’ is always appreciated
  • Soliciting input from employees ensures their support


What Employees Want To Tell You…But Don’t

 “The best assessment of your leadership comes from those you lead.”

Most leaders live in a vacuum. They don’t receive much feedback from the people they lead. In fact, they often have no idea how good—or bad—their leadership really is. “Leadership Feedback” is an entertaining and thought-provoking video training program that provides the kind of honest feedback leaders don’t normally hear.

This program is based on extensive interviews with actual employees who gave candid feedback about the leaders they worked for. Because the interviews were anonymous, employees were free to honestly discuss which leadership behaviours were motivating—or de-motivating. Six key issues of leader/employee interaction emerged from this research and are illustrated in the video. For each issue, the video shows two scenarios—one with an ineffective leader, the other with an effective one.

After going through this training session, your viewers will clearly understand how to generate the kind of feedback that really matters: employee commitment and productivity.

This program can be used as a self-contained leadership training—or part of an organization’s larger leadership training program. The leader’s guide and accompanying video have been designed to work equally well for a group training session or self-study. It’s also available for streaming or as an E-Learning course; however, a separate license must be obtained for those kinds of applications. This program is ideal training for leaders at all levels, including: Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and College/University Courses.