Harassment in the Workplace: Management Awareness

This program will increase awareness and understanding of harassment. It will teach supervisors and managers how to promote workplace harmony by encouraging mutual understanding and respect among their employees.
Runtime: 21 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Materials
Key Learning Points:Using Dramatizations This Program:
  • Defines harassment and demonstrates various types
  • Describes how individuals might feel if they are being harassed
  • Discusses how management should respond to harassment situations and complaints


Harassment in the workplace is an important issue for managers and supervisors today. Besides the legal issues involved, lack of leadership in dealing with harassment creates an unproductive work environment, in which the target of the harassment feels so uncomfortable with the offender’s behaviour that their work, attitudes and even health may begin to suffer.

A proactive approach by management that combines prevention, recognition and intervention can help deter and resolve many harassment problems. Harassment may be based on a variety of factors. Training is necessary before many employees will even recognize behaviours that constitute harassment, whether they are the victims or the harassers.