Coup De Main

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SKU: 3061P Categories: , Topic:
This amusing drama shows managers how to identify the skill needs in their teams, and then act upon them through coaching in order to improve people's performance.
Runtime: 37 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader's Guide
  • Participant Worksheets
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Self-Study Workbook
Key Learning Points:

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The Helping Hand shows managers that understanding the need for coaching, and then learning how to coach, is an essential part of their jobs. In this amusing drama, a manager who knows nothing about coaching has plenty to learn.

The manager needs to identify which tasks a team member could take responsibility for, and coach him or her accordingly. He learns how to identify exactly where the need for coaching lies, how to conduct the coaching itself, and how to monitor the results.

This comprehensive program shows how, with the right teaching, the manager is able to improve people’s performance and motivation, and that coaching is an invaluable tool for helping individuals and the business develop together.