Coller à la qualite

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It's all about empowerment – having (and showing) the confidence in your team to deal with customers and make decisions that will benefit them.
Runtime: 25 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Briefcase Booklet
  • Discussion Guide
Key Learning Points:

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A company’s major customer arrives for a show-down meeting to announce that she will be taking her business away from the company. During the meeting she points out how empowering staff to use their own discretion when making decisions enables them to provide better all-round customer satisfaction.

Measuring performance from the customer’s perspective helps reveal where quality has suffered and prevent the same mistakes happening again. The objective is to replace the chain of command with a ‘chain of confidence’.

Managers will learn that quality is a key component of customer service and that knowing how to empower people at all levels and back their decisions will improve this service.