FISH! For Leaders

As a leader, your most powerful influence is your example. FISH! For Leaders sharpens the interpersonal skills that increase trust and motivate people to follow your lead.
Runtime: 49 Minutes
  • USB or Streaming
  • 6 Facilitator's Guides
  • Assessment Tools
  • 6 PowerPoint Presentations
Participant workbooks for each FISH! For Leaders program are sold separately at $12.95 each. 
Key Learning Points:
  • Learn how to build trust
  • Pay attention to values and actions
  • Listen and communicate better
  • Learn how to recognize your employees


As a leader, your greatest influence is not power or charisma. It’s the example you set for the people you lead and the relationships you build with them.

The FISH! For Leaders Series is for anyone, from business owners to front line supervisors, who want to lead more effectively. It will help you to:

  • Build the trust that helps teams be more productive and adapt quickly to change.
  • Listen and communicate better.
  • Embody the attitudes and values you want to see in your organization or team.
  • Remove fear and inspire people to be their best for customers, for each other and for the organization.

The FISH! For Leaders Series includes six programs.

Here is some information on the individual program titles:

It Starts With Me: The secret to effective leadership is not in just telling people what to do, but inspiring them to achieve it through your example.

Be There:
 You can’t lead without trust, and you build trust by being there when people need you.

Play: Play is more than an activity. It’s an attitude of enthusiasm and creativity. To get it, you must nurture a culture full of trust and free of fear.

Make Their Day: One of the best ways to make someone’s day is to show them how much you appreciate them.

Choose Your Attitude: Your attitude has a powerful effect on the people you lead. What impact do you want to have?

Who Are You Being?: Great leaders know what they stand for, recommit to it every day and ask others to help them be who they say they want to be.

Participant workbooks for each FISH! For Leaders program are sold separately at $12.95 each.