FISH! Participant Workbook

The test of a great FISH! training event is what happens after the video ends. The FISH! Participant Workbook helps people see how the FISH! Philosophy is relevant to their work and decides how they will bring it into their lives.
  • 1  29-Page Workbook
Minimum Order Quantity Of 3.  


The Workbook Includes:

  • Space to record insights and notes from the discussion.
  • Short explanations to help you better understand The FISH! Philosophy.
  • Activities that challenge your thinking, open your mind and help you recognize your impact on others.
  • Tips for applying the philosophy in daily life.
  • A self-survey to assess how well you are living the practices at work (and home).
  • An action plan.

The FISH! Participant Workbook supports what you teach and engages people while you teach it. It ensures that the results of your hard work—increased energy and commitment—continues long after the training has concluded.